Throughout his extraordinary career, Academy Award-wining director Martin Scorsese has brought his unique vision and dazzling gifts to life in a series of unforgettable films. This holiday season the legendary storyteller invites you to join him on a thrilling journey to a magical world with his first-ever 3-D film, based on Brian Selznick's award-winning, imaginative New York Times best-seller, “The Invention of Hugo Cabret.” HUGO is the astonishing adventure of a wily and resourceful boy whose quest to unlock a secret left to him by his father will transform Hugo and all those around him, and reveal a safe and loving place he can call home.Hugo hits theaters on November 23rd, 2011.
31 New HUGO Photos
Paramount Pictures has unleashed a flood of gorgeous new official photos from Hugo.
Directed by Martin Scorsese and co-produced by Johnny Depp, this fantasy-adventure film adaptation of the Brian Selznick's novel stars Asa Butterfield, Jude Law, Ray Winstone, Christopher Lee, Helen McCrory, Richard Griffiths, Frances de la Tour, Emily Mortimer and Michael Stuhlbarg.
Here's the official synopsis:
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