Alec Baldwin get tired of making movies
Baldwin has made his name in films such as ‘The Departed’, ‘The Aviator’ and ‘The Good Shepherd’, but he has admitted his pleasure that he isn’t making movies on a full-time basis.
The 49-year-old actor, who is currently starring in the award-winning US sitcom 30 Rock, says in the latest issue of Gotham:
“Making movies is a little too self-conscious. When I’ve done films lately, the amount of self-importance and anxiety that accompanies the filmmaking has become a little bit too much for me.”
He continues: “On the show (30 Rock), we do the job we do, we have fun, we work hard and we work fast, but nobody believes we’re the London Symphony Orchestra.”
“When you’re with great people, moviemaking is great. When I was with Marty (Martin Scorsese in The Departed), it was great. When I was with Bob De Niro doing The Good Shepherd, it was great. But there aren’t that many great people out there. And the rest of it is tiresome.”
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