James Cameron, the visionary filmmaker behind the iconic Avatar series, has officially revealed the title of the highly anticipated third installment: Avatar: Fire and Ash. While speaking at the D23 Expo, Cameron promised that the movie would not only be emotionally charged but would also provide fans with a deeper look into the world of Avatar, asserting that the sequel would be great.
Cameron, who still shooting in New Zealand, explained that Fire and Ash will reveal new cultures and locations of Pandora, in which spectators will plunge even deeper than before. “The new film isn't what you expect, but it's definitely what you want,” Cameron cryptically added, making fans await the movie's release.
The Avatar franchise has already proven its enduring appeal, with Avatar: The Way of Water thus goes on to become the highest-grossing movie of the year 2022 earning an approximate $2. undefined This success placed Cameron on the map of cinema directing him as the only director with three films in the list of the twenty greatest ones in terms of revenue.
For the near future, Cameron has big plans for the Avatar series, with Avatar 3 to be released on December 19, 2025. Franchise extension goes even further as the plan is for the Avatar 4 to come out in 2029 and the Avatar 5 in 2031. Curiously enough, Cameron even mentioned Avatar 6 and Avatar 7, although he might not direct these sequels himself.