In the near future on the outskirts of civilization, a remote test facility lies in ruin following a catastrophic security breach. All that remains is a handful of survivors, their small armory of weapons, and a fleet of the infected. The breach led to a viral outbreak that left thousands dead or mutated. Now the infected walk the land, stalking the few that still live. Led by private military operative Max Gatling, they fight the infected and soon learn there is a band of malfunctioning prototype robots also on the march. They are armed and incredibly dangerous!Beside Lundgren (who plays the above mentioned Max), the rest of Battle of the Damned cast includes David Field, Matt Doran, and Melanie Zanetti. So, any thoughts about this?
Trailer For BATTLE OF THE DAMNED: Dolph Lundgren VS Zombies & Robots
Battle of the Damned – it's got zombies, robots and spectacle. And Dolph Lundgren! Can't say I'm not surprised, but here's the thing: in this futuristic tale, Lundgren stars as a private military operative who fights against an army of the infected. Sounds weird, I know, but in case you want to know more details about the whole thing – head inside to check out the first trailer & poster, and let us know what you think!
Written and directed by Christopher Hatton, this sci-fi action film will tell us the story of survivors of a test facility meltdown who are hunted by infected hordes and malfunctioning robots.
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