The thriller takes place in the underground world of quick-draw gunfights, set up as private duels in undisclosed locations by a secret organization. These include the belly of a barge, a train yard, a textile plant, and a meat locker, each vacant or loud enough to hide the face-off. Creatively, the change of scenery prevents a series of intense showdowns from being woefully redundant and presents new challenges for the fighters. First blood wins. The protagonist, Von, begins as a 20-something “second,” essentially an assistant who prepares the pistols and the stage for Wallace, a father-figure who propped Von up after a failed suicide attempt and molded his natural talent. In the opening duel, Wallace faces Vasquez, a ruthless polished banker who reminded me of Gus Fring from “Breaking Bad.” When the duel goes array, Von is imprisoned and emerges in his late 30s, vows revenge on Vasquez and finds himself sucked back into the quick-draw world by the powerful Administration. Their omniscient presence adds a mysterious Dark City-esque vibe to the plot and a gladiatorial feel to the underground bouts (hints of Fight Club inspirations). In a rather familiar subplot, Von is being tracked by a cop putting his job on the line to find answers about his former partner and friend. This adds a clash between modern law enforcement and the age-old tradition of men settling their differences one-on-one. Von eventually allies with Gabrielle, a sexy young girl — an Olivia Wilde type, perhaps — with steely determination, an unconventional style, and ties to his past.Lucas made his directorial debut with the 2010 high-school drama Wasted on the Young for Paramount Pictures. A nightmarish social networking thriller starring Oliver Ackland (The Proposition), Adelaide Clemens (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) and Alex Russell (Wheeler Boys). No doubt that Lucas has eye for visuals, so I’d be interested to see if The Duelist is about to be a notable addition to a forsaken genre. [youtube][/youtube]
Wasted on the Young – Official Trailer
Source: News In Film