Caesar Must Die (Cesare deve morire) is completely new movie which comes from well-known brothers
Paolo and
Vittorio Taviani, and as you already guess it’s one of the titles that will compete for the Golden Bear at this year’s
Berlin Film Festival.
Just for a record, this one is definitely one of my favorite, simply because it’s a totally different and unique story. Why? Well, check out the rest of this report to find out…

In case you’re a little bit confused by these images from the movie, here’s a little explanation. And, don’t miss an extraordinary trailer for the movie.
First of all, Caesar Must Die is actually a docu-fiction which follows the drama workshops directed inside the prison of Rebibbia in Rome by the director Fabio Cavalli, author of Shakespearean classics played by inmates.
Then, as Paolo Taviani previously explained it’s kind of “the contrast between an actor’s absolute freedom and the constrictions of someone who must live imprisoned.” Hope it makes sense now?

For those interested in even more details, here’s the official synopsis for the whole thing: “The theater in Rome’s Rebibbia Prison. A production of of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar ends to much applause. The lights go down and the actors return to being inmates. They are escorted and locked back in their cells.
Six months earlier. The warden and the prison theater director explain the new project to the inmates: Julius Caesar. First stage: the auditions. Second stage: getting to know the text. The universal language of Shakespeare helps the prisoners identify with their characters. The road is long: anxiety, hope, playfulness. These are the feelings that follow them to their cells, after a long day of rehearsing.

But who is this Giovanni who plays Caesar? Who is this Salvatore who plays Brutus? For what crime were they convicted? The movie doesn’t keep it a secret.
However, the wonder and pride for their work can’t always free them of the aggravations of being imprisoned. They end up fighting with one another, putting in danger the play.
The much awaited and feared day of the premier arrives. The public is numerous and diverse: inmates, students, actors, directors.Julius Caesar is once again brought back to life, but this time on a prison stage. It’s a success.

Afterwards, the inmates return to their cells. Even “Cassius”, one of the protagonists, one of the best. He’s been in prison for several years, but tonight his cell feels different, hostile. He remains still. Then he turns, looks right into camera and tells us: “from the moment I’ve known art, this cell has become a prison.”
Caesar Must Die stars Fabio Cavalli and Salvatore Striano and the movie is set to open in Italia on March 2nd, 2012.
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