One of the movies that is scheduled to premiere in competition at this year's
Berlinale is
Danis Tanovic‘s latest film titled
An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker.
As usual, Academy Award-winning Bosnian director (No Man's Land ) is bringing us another powerful drama which deals with the alienation and discrimination in contemporary Bosnian society. Once again, Tanovic is here to ask us: What kind of people have we become?

Written and directed by Tanovic, the movie is actually a reconstruction of the real events and the intention behind the film is to show the discrimination minorities have to deal with in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Roma communities in particular. Or, as director explained:
“I think it is necessary for the story to be seen, not only to initiate discussions about the society and all sorts of alienation and discrimination are, but to, through the emotional understanding of the victim‘s state, reach the moment when we all ask ourselves: What kind of people have we become?”

He also added that his latest movie is a true story and that he didn't feel any need to make it more dramatic than it was because it was already unbelievable.
Here's the full synopsis:
Nazif barely makes ends meet as an iron picker to support his family. He searches daily for scrap metal while his partner Senada tends to their home and their two young daughters. A third baby is on the way. After a long day's work, Nazif finds Senada laid up in pain. The following day, he borrows a car to drive her to the nearest clinic. The diagnosis is that Senada has miscarried and is still carrying her dead five-month old fetus.

The condition is critical and Senada needs immediate treatment at a faraway city hospital. Because she does not have a state-provided health insurance card, the hospital requests that Senada pay 980 Bosnian marks (500 euros), a fortune for a modest iron picker. Despite Nazif's begging, Senada is denied the crucial surgery and forced to return home to their Roma community in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the next 10 days, Nazif will do everything he can to try and save Senada's life – desperately searching for more scrap metal, seeking help from state institutions… For the next 10 days, Nazif and Senada will be fully exposed to the callousness of contemporary society.
An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker stars
Nazif Mujic, Senada Alimanovic, Semsa Mujic and
Sandra Mujic.
We wish them all good luck at Berlinale!