EPIC Reveals Great Battle Scene Clip!
Save Beyonce! Save Queen Tara! Save the Mother Nature-like queen of the forest! Yeah, we have an awesome clip from…
20 New EPIC Posters!
Time to update our Epic gallery with 20 completely new posters! As you're about to see, the upcoming fantasy-adventure movie…
Nod VS Mandrake: Another Lovely International Poster For EPIC!
Let the battle deep in the forest begin! We have another lovely poster for the upcoming Epic movie, and as…
Two New EPIC Posters
Check out two new posters for the upcoming animated adventure-comedy Epic, a 3D CG movie that reveals a hidden world…
WATCH: First International Trailer For EPIC!
Yesterday we shared two cute internet spots for the upcoming 3D action adventure Epic where you had a chance to…
Hey Boys! Hey Girls! We Have 2 New Internet Spots For EPIC!
Talking snail? Yeah baby! Two new so-called internet spots for Epic have arrived and what can I tell you when…
Time To Fly: New International Poster For EPIC, Opening This May!
Action, adventure, animation – or simply Epic? Never mind, the most important thing is that we have another great poster…
Lovely New Poster For Animated Adventure EPIC Has Arrived!
Today, we have another lovely poster for the upcoming 3D CG action-adventure comedy Epic, which opens this May. And, once…
7 New Images From the Animated Adventure EPIC
The new trailer for Epic is coming very soon, but first the studio has released these seven new images from…
Beyonce Exits A STAR IS BORN Remake
It is not pleasant for me to say these things, but Clint Eastwood’s A Star Is Born has hit yet…