I first got the idea for the film from my own clown experiences. As I would walk through the streets of NYC dressed in my clown outfit, I would see many poker-faced, jaded New Yorkers breaking into smiles and saying ‘Hi!’, or coming over to chat with me. I thought that I had to make a film about this.”Through the fund-raising site, the California girl hopes to goal $7,500 by February 23, 2011. ‘Kickstarter’ is “crowd funding”, an interactive website, launched in 2009. It is an all-or-nothing deal. Only if artists and creative types exceed their goal, they will receive the funds. Therefore, Scott’s team won’t be charged or get any awesome gifts if they don’t make their goal of $7,500. However, if they meet their matching contribution, they will receive all of the funds guaranteed. Over 800 creative projects have been funded via Kickstarter. Girl Clown is a short romantic comedy about a girl named Laura, who is utterly shy. She lives by herself, works as a secretary, and she’s secretly in love with her nearby neighbor. In a risky attempt to conquer her shyness, Laura turns out to be a professional clown, entering to the unusual world of jokers to find out true love. The film features an exciting cast of colorful and crazy characters like ‘Dainty Daisy’ the clown agent (not so dainty), and ‘Loony Larry’ the horrible party clown. Chrystal’s team is planning to start shooting this spring, 2011, on location in New York City. I wish her luck and success. How about you?
Crystal Scott To Launch Her First Indie Called Girl Clown
New York City based actress and first-time filmmaker Crystal Scott has started her first ‘Kickstarter’ project to improve financial boosts for the production of her film Girl Clown.
Crystal Faith Scott (TV series: ‘Parco P.I.’ (2006) and ‘Greg the Bunny’ (2005)), recently made her Cannes Film Festival debut co-starring in the film The Ventriloquist and works as clown 4 kids as her day job.
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