Drafthouse Films, the film distribution arm of the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, has partnered with the American Genre Film Archive to release Trailer War, a meticulously curated feature-length program of vintage, rare 35mm coming attraction trailers. Each of the selections are presented for the first time in high-definition and most have been previously unavailable on any home video format. A theatrical tour presented in 35mm is planned for December 2012 and pre-order is available now for DVD/Blu-ray fan packs which will be available December 18th exclusively on DrafthouseFilms.com. Animal Protector and Amuck, both featured on the compilation, are available now as free digital downloads in HD here. The American Genre Film Archive is the largest “exploitation film” archive of its kind housing more than 3,500 rare 35mm film prints and trailers. Many of the trailers sourced for this compilation were rescued from impending destruction and donated by Alamo Drafthouse Founder/CEO Tim League. In one instance, rumors of a hidden cache of trailers located deep within a South African warehouse led League to investigate. After a series of fruitless negotiations, a distant relative brokered an illicit cash exchange in a hotel lobby and smuggled 200 pounds of celluloid from Johannesburg back to Austin. In another excursion to a decrepit, partially-flooded storage facility in southern Missouri, League agreed to the take-all-or-none stipulation and loaded a truck rated for 13,000 pounds with 26,000 pounds of celluloid. “It was during this shaky, 30 MPH drive back to Austin while jettisoning soggy, damaged prints at rest stop dumpsters along the way where I conceived of the idea of the Genre Film Archive,” says League, “I had to have some rationale for buying 500 35mm prints and countless trailers.
Drafthouse Films to Release Compilation Film TRAILER WAR
Drafthouse Films has partnered with the American Genre Film Archive are going to have a swing at several fantastic grindhouse compilations called 42nd Street Forever and release Trailer War, a feature-length program of coming attraction trailers.
A theatrical tour presented is planned for December along with a DVD release on December 18th, 2012. The American Genre Film Archive contains more than 3,500 rare 35mm vintage film prints and trailers.
Many of the trailers for this compilation have never been available in any home-video format and are presented in high definition.
Check out the NSFW trailer for Trailer War and cool artwork below.
Here’s the official press release:
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