The Joshua Michael Stern-directed Steve Jobs biopic that stars Ashton Kutcher as titular ‘visionary' has unveiled a first image, thanks to Variety. If there was ever a doubt, the first official shot proves that Kutcher is quite a match for the young Jobs, looks-wise. Have a look below:

What's less certain is whether Kutcher will have the dramatic chops to carry a performance that'll be so closely scrutinised, but if he does pull it off, it'll surely be a gamechanger for him.
The true story of one of the greatest entrepreneurs in American history, jOBS chronicles the defining 30 years of Steve Jobs' life. jOBS is a candid, inspiring and personal portrait of the one who saw things differently.
Beating the rival Aaron Sorkin-scripted Steve Jobs movie (based on the official biography by Walter Isaacson) into completion by a comfortable margin (Sorkin's still working on the screenplay, and there are currently no stars or directors attached), jOBS will premiere at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, and it will also star Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad, Lukas Haas, J.K. Simmons and Matthew Modine.