I thought he should have died in the last one, just to give it some bottom; some gravitas. George didn't think there was any future in dead Han toys.And he also expressed concern about there being any future for Solo:
I don't think there's a way to weave him back into the story.Despite the fact some of the news has been confirmed as that of J.J. Abrams will direct the next installment in the franchise, according to EW.com writer Geoff Boucher, Ford's deal is not yet complete and it could be ‘months' before he signs (below). But for now, Michael Arndt's story of Episode VII scheduled to hit theaters in 2015 is still unknown.
Harrison Ford deal? My source says not yet. "It will not be for weeks and perhaps months."
— Geoff Boucher (@geoffboucher) February 15, 2013