In the upcoming animated film “Mars Express,” viewers will be transported to the year 2200, where a private detective named Aline Ruby and her android partner, Carlos Rivera, delve into the mysteries of Mars. Directed by Jeremie Perin, known for his work on the acclaimed series “Lastman,” this French production promises a visually stunning experience with a storyline that intertwines elements of cyberpunk anime and futuristic noir. The movie, which has garnered critical acclaim since its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, follows the duo as they navigate the complexities of Mars' capital city, uncovering a web of secrets that could alter the course of the universe.
Mars Express Trailer
As “Mars Express” gears up for its U.S. debut on May 3rd, courtesy of GKIDS Films, audiences can anticipate a blend of suspense, intrigue, and visually striking animation that sets it apart in the realm of animated cinema. With themes of corruption, technology, and the enigmatic world of Mars, this film promises to captivate viewers with its unique take on the future.
Mars Express Photos
Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure to Mars and uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface of the red planet?