What do you know about
Sin City sequel? Let's go step by step with this one.
First of all, the sequel already has an official title –
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.
Robert Rodriguez (and who else) is on board to direct it.
Third, the filming should start this summer.
And last, but the most important thing –
Mickey Rourke and
Rosario Dawson are back in the business!
Ok, this is not actually some huge surprise, simply because we already knew that Sin City 2 is actually a prequel, so it's quite logical that Marv and Gail are in it.
But, thanks to MTV's interview with director Rodriguez, we learned that: “…Rourke is all excited to come back, but he's probably the first one. I saw Rosario too. I ran into her for something else, and she's pumped. They've always been excited about doing another one, so that will be fun.”
Frank Miller‘s A Dame to Kill For synopsis goes like this:
“Stuck with nothing but a seedy gumshoe job and some demons, Dwight's thinking of all the ways he's screwed up and what he'd give for one clear chance to wipe the slate clean, to dig his way out of the numb gray hell that is his life. And he'd give anything. Just to feel the fire. One more time. But he can't let himself lose control again, can't ever let the monster out. And then Ava calls.”
And this leads us to another question – what about
Clive Owen?
Guess we'll have to wait and see.