Based on the best-selling book series, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” opens in theatres everywhere November 20. It is the highly anticipated next installment to the movie “Twilight,” which has grossed $380MM globally at the box office, and has become a worldwide sensation and cultural phenomenon.
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will present an exclusive scene from the film at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards on May 31st. [source: STYD]
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Share First Kiss in “New Moon”

i don't like how excited i got about seeing these pictures…
Good Lord he looks ripped in these photos! He's been hitting the gym hard. Good job Rob! :)
um peoples u guys r so wrong jacob is so hotter than edward is jst a peace of crap peoplz……lol…luv u jacob…….:)
ahahaha same, i got a bit excited.. how sad lol
I LOVE YOU ROB PATTINSON <3 YOU ARE THE BEST ACTOR EVER. I even loved you in harry potter: *
hahaha ooh man grow up.
I also loved Robert Pattinson in Harry Potter and I like almost started to cry when He died in the movie! LOL!
a bit of lip pulling there from Kristen?
I have been waiting for these pictures for so long, i think i may have died and gone to heaven! Kristen and Rob are perfect! i didn’t realize the kiss was this steamy!
i think i actually blacked out there from excitment… i ended up on the floor with my friend hovering over me… creepy.. OMR i am so EXCITED… omr Robert looks amazing… been looking at that first photo all Day! LOL. gotta love being Obsessed. =] (L)
He is so hot and I got so excited from the pic and can't wait for the movie to come out that i almost blacked out.
Holy Crap (Virgen Santa) it looks like the two of them got some goodies going on, im counting down the days to run over he teather to watch this movie with this two doing something to each others, this better be good if u know what i mean,and by the way you horny people you better put your seatbelts on, we'll do!!
That kiss better not be in the movie!!! It totally ruins the scene in Bella's room after the trip! She's still broken hearted at this point and doesn't truely believe he loves her still and the bedroom scene would just be ruined if they've already made out!!!!!!
although i totally love the photos, i agree, it would ruin the bedroom scene. maybe she's fantacizing that or something when she runs into his arms?…….. givin' them the benefit of the doubt. lol. but still love the photos!!!!! :) <3
which bedroom scene?
Speaking of ruining scenes, I heard they’re actually having Bella SEE Edward instead of only hearing his voice. Theyre screwing stuff up! It’s supposed to be all OMFG! When she sees him again.
just to mention, if your surprised by the "oh so chizzled rob"….you should be.
sure, he's done a good job beeing up a bit for a skimpy musician but i bet that six-pack is just sprayed on ,,,,,,just mentioning! so plz don't reply hurtful things ;)
you really made my blood boil but i wont say any thing mean!!!
* his six pac is real!! * ♥♥♥
wow hope this is good
Robert Is so hot I love him Muscular
OMG robert is sooooo hot if u think he is a hottie reply!!! And omg why does it have to come out in november!!! why not JUne or July!?!?
whoo! theres no replies! AWESOME.
ya im totally team edward!!! i luve everything bout him not one thing on his body is ugly or wierd!!!
i know why cant it come out like tomorrow i cnt wait tht long!!! *wahhhh wahh* (cries like a baby)
Hot Hot Hot !!! I love it when he is shirtless!!!
me too sooo hot, i know taylors not in theses pics but hes hot shirtless too=]
yes man!!! I love him! I think we schoul see him without anything more often!! really it´s great!!! *freak out* I can´t wait to see the movie! especially since i saw the trailer!
Rock on all twilight fans out there!!!
i think your right
shhhheeeeeeeeeeeeessh. There are no kissing scenes in volterra. Hmpph. But I LOOOVE IT!
Hope that isnt in the movie. His abs looked sooo real in that first pic! That's the first time i saw that picture! Oh i almost passed out. mmm….
I Love Rob & Want Him To Get Kristen As His Life Partner 4Eva…….:x:x:x:x
Rob…. It Would Be More Nice If Ur Body Was Healthy : |
i think your soo right
Healthy Like Jacob!!! Anway, Still U Look Most Attractive & Handsome <3xD Wish U All The Very Best! God Bless You……..
OMG! I love rob pattinson he is so ripped in these photos my heart nearly stopped right in its track i was like about to drop onto the floor that would have been a funny sight lol! anyways Robert looks so hot I told my friends that we should have a movie party and we would invite all of our friends and go to the New Moon premier! But I'm not sure if we are doing that?
OMG, i cant belive that rob and kristen are togther. i think new moon will be a hit.
lol rob your so hot, and you look great kristen. all of my friends think i am the most obssesed twilight fan they have met.(or iam defenatly the most obssesed from school)anyway, i wish you all the best and i am realy looking forward to new moon.i cant wait!
rob and kristen look great together, i am happy for them. but wats with all this crap, everyones is giving them a hard time for it.
Seriously, everyone claims they are Rob's biggest fan. But honestly i can say i would die to meet him, im not some normal creepy fan, i am sooo in love with him omg omg omg i dream about him lol!
i think he should bulk up abit more bkoz thoes pics hes 2 skinny LOL…kristen is Mean!!!
Rob looks anorexic…I prefer Jacob i think. Girls shouldn't look bigger than the guys
whew!!H.O.T!!i think im in love to robert!!!!ching!!hahahah…nyc!!lol!!
omg robert you are soo so s soo hot this movie is going to be great i even like the fist one and kristen you are beautiful man you 2 would be a really good match
i am equally excited by these photos- a little concerned about how the film is changing from the book- but i’m sure it will be awesome- i need to stop looking at photos and get a life- its like 5 months away… how can we wait that long?
I LOVE YOU ROB PATTINSON you are the best actor in the world
i wish i were her! she F***ing LUCKEY!
i want to kiss you all the time!
Robert Pattinson you are so flipping hot!
i can honestly say im happy this one is the second in the series, cuz after this there will be no reason to watch. edward is hot but i found his caracter very flat, where as jacb is super sexy and has a character that is deeper. i think bella should go for jacob whose love is stronger, and dump edward…leave him for all the other girls in the world totally obsesed with him. my opinion anyway…mabe ill read the series again and fall in love w edward…who knows?!
aawwwwwwwwwwww! Bella Edward are so cute together
Whats on robs face.. it looks like black chicken pox..? They are such a cute couple! I wasn’t a big fan of the book New Moon because **BIG SPOILER ALERT!!!** Edward leaves. The ending made up for it though =] Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate jacob.. i actully like him a lot. But not as a boyfriend for bella. Maybe it would be better if he was her brother.
i m very excited to see these pictures. thanks a lot
Rob, gay shoes
ace thats ace cant wait till new moon comes out xx eep
omg! edward is hot!!!!!!!i ♥ him!!!!!!!!!my b-day i 2marrow!! the 4th of august!!!! and my cake has him on it!!!
omg edward is sooooooooooooo hot!!! my b-days 2marrow the 4th of august and my cake has him on it!
I just see moles. Moley Moley Moley!
I really like twilight but im not in love wif rob, i just love the books. im worried, that in the cinema when edward and jacomb take their tops off, loads of people will scream and it will ruin the movie… reply if you agree
scream wif excitment i mean
and i ment jacob
OMG wat bedroom scene? wat da hell do u mean wat bedroom scene did u read da best books wit ur eyes CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New Moon is da reason of LIFE!!!!! i LUV U tAYLOR!:) I LUV TWILIGHT & NEW MOON CAST der da best!!!!!!! DER #1!!!!!
WAT UR FAV SCENE IN TWILIGHT? mines when Edward just jumps in & saves Bella from James & I luv it wen Alice rips Jame’s head off DAT ROX!!!!!!!!! da best scene in new moon will be da bedroom scene Bella wakes up & shes all confused dat waz def LOL!! And I DO agree wit u all da obesed girls will go mad wen Rob & Taylor cum out dat happened in twilight wen rob came into de cafateria the workers came into the theter & kicked dem out it waz soooooo funny!!
ROB IZ A CREEP!!! bt tay ROCKS!!!!!!! Reply if u tink i said dat da wrong way round
this is so stupid and robert pattison (edward) is the uggliest fattest person in the world
Robbert Pattison has a painted six-pack but he is still fit, hot and gorgeous !
I think those black spots that people are referring to as chicken pox and moles are more like “marks” for the editors to add his sparkles. If you notice, they’re also on his face, back, arms, and fingers. It’s not hard to figure out.
I think those black spots that people are referring to as chicken pox and moles are more like “marks” for the editors to add his sparkles. If you notice, they’re also on his face, back, arms, and fingers. If you look in the other pictures, he has no spots or marks on him, whatsoever. It’s not that hard to figure out.
why has RP got black spots on him r the freckles ??? :S
i cant wait to see the movie i love the first and i will love the second more !!!!!!!
Rob is the future father of my children!!!!!!
hav u guys noticd that edwaard dosnt shine in the light when he is kissing bella????
yummy….milo with loads of it:-)
wow that is all i have 2 say WOW!!!
Do you know his six pack is digitally altered and PAINTED on i know i couldnt believe it either :(
Sorry bout the bad news guys : (
Little Miss Twilight (L)
i do agree u starting to look abit off u seem u also seem to be pailer you will be looking like a ghost so try to tan
Seriously rob is better off with abbs dude hes so hot man i woud eat his cookies he has put in a lot of hard work growing up and all of the rob haters he is really nice and we all should respect his privacy hes human to well…i think he is. Tip of advise people in that movie are just doing their job dont dis respect them ok
I think I’m going to cry…
I refuse to believe that his abs are fake
Omg I am sooo excited for Friday can’t wait…. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I so love new moon
God gracious lord robert pattinson is very attrictively hot he would make my world just seeing him in real life caz i’m obsessed with him. he makes my heart beat fast when in the movie and stop wen he is kissing kristen stewart. Baby please try mines.
LOVE TWilight
Hwo dosent love Twilight!!!!!!!
gay guys i no u dnt no me bt i jst gt on 2 loke at thngs………..who r u
ha! nothing compared to Taylor! i basically ignored this part in the movie XD kidding :)
omg!!!! i luv those pics but the most betta is the abs!!!!!!!!
robert is smokin hot
im so obseesed with rob i would die for him i dream about him all the time plus i luved the movie it was awsome luv u rob
id lov 2 meet rob it would be my only wish
i looooooove these movies!! robert is the biest actor ever!!! he´s also divinely hot! i adore him.. it would be a dream to meat him.<3
omg i cant wat till the movie comes out edward ur hot and jacob ur hot to
i cant wait till eclipse comes out
i love those pics because he looks hott and nothing can get better than that
not so good..
but good kissing
rob and kris..,i love you full
i hate these photos but i really love robert pattinon he is soooooo hot
i love robert i love kristen i love taylor i love twilihgt i love new moon i love eclipse i love breaking down and i love stephanie meyer!!! but i love more ROBERT!!!! HE IS A VERY HOT AND SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL BOY!!!! I LOVE YOU….
i love robert soo much i have picturs of him all over my wall he is my dream date
u sun of bitch u can’t kiss my Kristen Stewart. she is my ….
am I ever gonna get over Rob? I can’t stop thinking about him, I can imagine what Kris is going through. A heart throb indeed, I watch his movie everyday
this movie like my shhhiiit but there’s one thing I like it in this movie it’s Kristen Stewart shee’s hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot daaame
new moon was awesome !! Kristen was really good in the movie !!
Hey rob!U rocked d world yaar.U r soooo cute and hot.
rob you r so hot that you look stunning in every photo
but I dont like it when kristen kisses you. i dont like it becase I LOVE YOU SO MUCH:)~HEY,DID I TELL YOU ABOUT HOW HOT YOU R?????
Robbert I love you you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i dont know
what amovie ha :P robert he’s great i love you man :$
he’s so perfect :$
i am so jealous i love you
Luv u Kristen Stewart n U r really really so cute n much resemble with ma beloved thanks . Robert Pattinson u too r very dashing boy n gud acting done by u.