“The Class” follows the year in the life of a French schoolteacher (François Begaudeau) working at a high school in a tough neighborhood of Paris. Cultures and attitudes often clash in the classroom. As amusing and inspiring as the teenage students can be, their difficult behavior can still jeopardize any teacher's enthusiasm for the low-paying job François insists on an atmosphere of respect and diligence. Neither stuffy nor severe, his frankness often takes the students by surprise. But his classroom ethics are put to the test when his students begin to challenge his methods.
The Class is directed by Laurent Cantet (Heading South, Human Resources, Time Out). Stars Francois Begaudeau, Esmerelda Ouertani, Franck Keita, Wei Huang, Henriette Kasaruhanda, Carl Nanor, Rachel Regulier and Jean-Michel Simonet.