The new 3D stop-motion comedy thriller from animation company LAIKA, reteaming the company with Focus Features after the groundbreaking Academy Award-nominated Coraline. ParaNorman is, following Coraline, the company's second stop-motion animated feature to be made in 3D. In ParaNorman, a small town comes under siege by zombies. Who can it call? Only misunderstood local boy Norman (Kodi Smit-McPhee), who is able to speak with the dead. In addition to the zombies, he'll have to take on ghosts, witches and, worst, of all, grown-ups, to save his town from a centuries-old curse. But this young ghoul whisperer may find his paranormal activities pushed to their otherworldly limits.Voice cast: Kodi Smit-McPhee, Casey Affleck, Anna Kendrick, John Goodman, Leslie Mann, Jeff Garlin, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Elaine Strich, Tempestt Bledsoe, Bernard Hill, Alex Borstein, Tucker Albrizzi Directed by Sam Fell and Chris Butler/Written by Chris Butler/Screenplay by Chris Butler/Produced by Arianne Sutner and Travis Knight/Rated PG [youtube][/youtube] Link Up! Like ParaNorman on Facebook Visit to play games, grab free downloads and more Follow @ParaNorman on Twitter #paranorman
PARANORMAN Focus Features Giveaway
Here's exclusive bonus chance for one lucky FilmoFilia reader to walk off with a Focus Features ParaNorman prize pack!
The new 3D stop-motion comedy thriller from animation company LAIKA comes out on August 17th, 2012.
One (1) winner will receive:
· $25 Visa Gift Card for a night at the movies
· Adult T-Shirt
· Keychain
· Notebook
· Slippers
· Toothbrush
· Backpack
Prize pack value $60/Prizing provided by Focus Features
Follow the instructions below on how to be entered for a chance to win, good luck!
All you have to is leave a comment in the ‘About' section of our website telling us why you'd like to go to the premiere.
Enter your first name, your valid email address and then enter your answer in the message field. Winner will be chosen at random from eligible entries.
About the film:
Hello my name is Mikey and at first watching focus features coraline I had this influential love with the animation and stop motion they put into these films. Hopefully one day with hard work I can be on the same position to make such amazing films. And so, after seeing Paranorman coming to the big screen in 10 more anxious days I hopefully await to watch opening night screening, due to not being able to see Coraline opening night was a horrible time in which I regret, but I’m obviously just another fan of such a brilliant team of animators. So the reason I’d like to go to the premier is to SEE Paranorman because I have this weird love for the characters and artistic design of such production LAIKA creates. Also, it opens a whole new branch for me to start collecting! [email protected]
I think that the premiere would be fantastic because the movie looks great. I am a huge fan of animated films. Can’t wait to see this one.
My son, Charlie has been waiting for MONTHS to see this movie & WE would LOVE to win this prize pack! It would be a nice back to school surprise/treat for him.
Thanks for the opportunity!
We have seen the previews and like to see it.
[email protected]
I loved coraline and I love everything about Halloween, so excited to see this! Stop motion is awesome! I would also like to take my nieces and nephews!
Coraline happens to be one of my favorite movies, if not THE favorite, and I’m incredibly excited to see what else Laika is out to accomplish. If the company wasn’t already great enough, Paranorman features some of my favorite things, like kids, ghost, zombies, relatable messages, and all sorts of other things. Can’t wait to see it!
Mt two little grandsons have been talking about this movie since they saw the preview at the theater. Months ago now. Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I’ve been looking forward to this film for the last year. Looks fantastic and the animation and voice cast have me even more excited for it. #WeirdWins
My 10 year old son has been begging to go see this movie and personally I think it looks like a great film.
This movie lookedsl great in so many aspects, the art and making of it was simply phenomenal, but the story was great as well. I am a huge stop motion fan, plus I felt I could relate to Norman a lot in regards to school. Love the attention to detail and the great effort these filnakers put forth to make such a great movie. Would love to win the prize pack!
Sorry about the typos, this text box doesn’t work well with my phone.