“The story follows a young man — presumably Pattinson — who drops out of school after his parents are killed to join the circus. Penn would play a disturbed animal trainer who works for said circus while the previously confirmed Reese Withspoon would play his wife.”Next up for Pattinson is “Remember Me” with Pierce Brosnan, in theaters this March, and the highly anticipated “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse,” in theaters June 30. Should be a great project for Pattinson, don't you think?
Robert Pattinson, Sean Penn May Star in “Water For Elephants” Movie
According to Variety, Twilight franchise star Robert Pattinson and Sean Penn are considering joining “Water for Elephants” at Fox 2000.
Director Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend, Constantine) has adapted Sara Gruen‘s best-selling novel “Water For Elephants“. Gil Netter, Erwin Stoff and Andrew Tennenbaum are producing.
An MTV blog has described Robert Pattinson's role as the following if he takes the part, which is said to be “likely”:
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