Silent House' is a uniquely unsettling horror thriller starring Elizabeth Olsen as Sarah, a young woman who finds herself sealed inside her family's secluded lake house. With no contact to the outside world, and no way out, panic turns to terror as events become increasingly ominous in and around the house.Aside from Elizabeth Olsen, it also stars Adam Trese, Eric Sheffer Stevens, Julia Taylor Ross, Haley Murphy, and Adam Barnett. The film is directed by Chris Kentis and Laura Lau. She wrote the screenplay based on the Uruguayan film La Casa Muda, written by Oscar Estevez. Silent House is slated for March 9th, 2012 release.
Open Road Films and Liddell Entertainment have released the official poster for Silent House. Elizabeth Olsen (Martha Marcy May Marlene ) stars in this thriller, which was shot in real time, as a woman who finds herself stranded in her parents' lake house, with no communication to the outside world.
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