The new series of the TMNT series called Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is scheduled to launch on Paramount+ in the next year, which is August 9, 2024. This 12-episode animated series serves as a continuation of the 2023 film, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: An animated misadventure titled Mutant Mayhem that shows journey of the Teenage Turtles from the sewer to the fast paced city of New York.
It has a great voice cast, Micah Abbey, Shamon Brown Jr., Nicolas Cantu, and Brady Noon who returned to the Screw Use role of four Turtles. Ayo Edebiri can also be expected to reprise her role as April O'Neil. These segments contain 2D animation mixed with the sketch appearance seen in Mutant Mayhem and combines Saturday Morning Cartoon aestethically with the show.
The series is about the Turtles and their fight against new foes as well as the struggle of growing up as teenagers along with their friendships while there are new bad guys that appear in the sewers of New York City to challenge them. The series primary antagonist, Bishop, aims to wipe out all mutants meaning the turtles have to embrace their responsibilities as teenagers as well as superheroes.
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is developed by Christopher L. Yost and Alan Wan, with Ramsey Naito, president of Paramount Animation & Nickelodeon Animation, stating, “Reinvigorating this franchise has been years in the making, and we are thrilled to continue expanding the beloved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe and bringing new adventures to families & fans.” The series is executive produced by Yost and Wan and is set to debut on Paramount+ later this summer.