This tense and haunting thriller follows a local homicide detective (Worthington) in a small Texas town and his partner, a transplanted cop from New York City (Dean Morgan), as they track a sadistic serial killer dumping his victims' mutilated bodies in a nearby marsh locals call “The Killing Fields.” The killer changes the game and begins hunting the detectives, teasing them with possible clues at the crime scenes while always remaining one step ahead. When a familiar local girl, Anne (Chloe Grace Moretz), goes missing, the detectives find themselves in a race against time to find the killer and save her life.Texas Killing Fields released in US on October 14, 2011.
Today we have a new poster and clip for Ami Canaan Mann‘s Texas Killing Fields, starring Sam Worthington, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jessica Chastain, Chloe Moretz and Jason Clarke. The crime film marks the feature directorial debut of Ami Canaan Mann and revolves around two men (Worthington and Jeffrey Dean Morgan) who investigate the Texas “Killing Fields,” an area of Texas where several women have been murdered. Chloe Moretz plays a girl who may be the next target.
Here's the official plot synopsis for Texas Killing Fields:
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