The Apprentice, directed by Ali Abbasi and written by Gabe Sherman, has been making waves in the film industry with its intriguing premise and star-studded cast. The movie, which chronicles a young Donald Trump's ascent to power through a Faustian deal with the influential right-wing lawyer and political fixer Roy Cohn, has secured deals with key independent distributors in various international markets. These deals include Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, Benelux, Greece, Portugal, Eastern Europe, Japan, Latin America, Israel, Airlines, and Australia & New Zealand.
The film's cast boasts impressive credentials, with Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Sebastian Stan playing Donald Trump, Emmy winner Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn, Martin Donovan as Fred Trump Sr, and Oscar nominee Maria Bakalova as Ivana Trump. The movie's production was kept under wraps to avoid controversy, and significant legal rigor was applied to the project to ensure its artistic integrity.
Despite the challenges, the filmmakers are unwilling to compromise on their vision. The movie's director, Ali Abbasi, recently tweeted the first concept artwork for the movie, playfully adding, “Make Posters Great Again”. The film's producers include Daniel Bekerman for Scythia Films, Jacob Jarek for Profile Pictures, Ruth Treacy and Julianne Forde for Tailored Films, and Ali Abbasi and Louis Tisné for Film Institute. Executive producers are Amy Baer, Mark H. Rapaport, Emanuel Nunez, Grant S. Johnson, Phil Hunt, Compton Ross, Thorsten Schumacher, Levi Woodward, Niamh Fagan, Gabriel Sherman, Grey Denny, James Shani, Noor Alfallah, Andy Cohen, Andrew Frank, Neil Mathieson, Lee Broda, and Blair Ward.
The film's U.S. release remains uncertain due to potential legal actions from Trump's team and a disgruntled financier. However, multiple parties remain interested in the film domestically, and there is confidence a deal will be reached, possibly this month. The film's global release is a testament to its buzzworthy premise and built-in marketing potential. With its intriguing plot and impressive cast, The Apprentice is a movie that's got everyone talking, and we can't wait to see how it unfolds.