The First Act of THE EXPENDABLES 2 Features Arnold Schwarzenegger In Trouble?
Ok, you're probably totally confused with this title but trust me - I'm confused as well. Like you care about…
Lionsgate has released the first official poster for the action sequel The Expendables 2. The film stars Sylvester Stallone, Jason…
THE EXPENDABLES 2 Chuck Norris First Look
Chuck Norris has never won an Academy Award for acting... because he's not acting. But there's still time, after all,…
Liam Hemsworth Joins THE EXPENDABLES 2
Just in case you're wondering what the hell Liam Hemsworth has to do with the upcoming The Expendables 2 project…
Stallone Might Get Nicolas Cage and John Travolta For The Expendables 2?
And just when I thought it couldn't get any fucking sicker, he talks about Cage and Travolta? In this whole…
THE EXPENDABLES 2 to Shoot in China?
The Expendables 2 in China? Yeah, why not? After all, we already heard that Donnie Yen has been offered a…
Donnie Yen in THE EXPENDABLES 2?
Ok, this is getting serious! I mean, just in case the previous rumors weren't enough for you, I'm here to…
Simon West to Direct The Expendables 2
Well, guess what, it looks that Sylvester Stallone will not be the director of The Expendables 2 after all. So…
The Expendables 2 Synopsis
This must be my lucky day! Sunny day, cup of coffee, and a skull with number 2. No, I'm not…
Tom Arnold Says True Lies 2 Might be Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Next Movie
Arnold Schwarzenegger has allegedly enrolled for True Lies sequel -- Schwarzenegger's co-star Tom Arnold has veiled True Lies 2 could…