The Man’s Guide to Love Rom/Com by Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett
Have you ever visited that website, The Man’s Guide to Love?
Me neither, but today I’m here to report that GK Films is developing The Man’s Guide to Love as a comedy feature, with Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett writing and directing based on their romantic-advice web site of the same name.
So, Levin and Flackett are one interesting couple. They actually have that website which features some interviews with man on the street, who are willing to share some interesting advices with world about how a successful romantic relationship should…
Ok, I just got stuck on this puzzle. But you understand, right?
Man walks down the street, oh, look, there’s a camera, let me say something, oh wait, about what?
Well, something about some relationship, give us some advice, you look smart. You don’t even have to look smart, I just saw some fat tomato, or something like that, speaking about love, so it’s fun, if rom-coms make you laugh…
Levin and Flackett have just made a deal with Simon & Schuster to write a book using the same title, which they’ll deliver in the fall to be published under Jennifer Bergstrom’s Gallery Books imprint.
They will be executive producers of the film as well.
“I looked to see if anyone had claimed it, found it was surprisingly available, and paid $10.69 for it,” Levin said, while Flackett added:
“Right now, 58% of the site’s audience is female. Women are curious about what men say when they’re not around.
The hope is women will want to go, and since it’s about men, guys can go and not feel like it’s hard labor.”
So, are women curious about this? Let’s ask that tomato.

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