The other big news came from the lips of none other than renowned producer
Arthur Sarkissian.
James Mangold, the director of an unconventional superhero detective noir-actioner character piece, The Wolverine, is planning to shoot english-language remake of Jean-Pierre Melville's 1970 crime thriller
The Red Circle (Le cercle rouge) next summer in Hong Kong and Macau.
Sarkissian said:
James to me is a guy's director. He's from the world of the old school of movies. ‘The Getaway', ‘The Wild Bunch'. I see him in that world. He loves movies. ‘3:10 to Yuma', to me, was one of the best remakes ever. It's very difficult to top an original and I think he did that absolutely beautifully because I don't think the Glen Ford/Delmer Daves version worked as well as the one he did.
The long-in-development english-language remake of The Red Circle has cycled through a number of directors, such as original director Johnnie To, Australia's John Hillcoat and Unknown‘s director Jaume Collet-Serra.
Sarkissian added:
It's all about character,” Sarkissian continues about his updated version. “I think we have a really great story. I think that world of Macau and Hong Kong is wonderful. I don't think we're going to have that stylized bent guns and all of that. I don't want to make a stylistic movie. The style will be there. I just want to tell a good story. I just want to tell a very good gangster story.
In a classic French gangster movie Alain Delon plays Corey, an ex-convict who robs the mob, teaming with a hitman for a major heist. As for playing the lead character, Sarkissian already has in mind a few actors:
I have a wish list. I swear it's so fantastic, but Christian Bale, Russell Crowe. I've got them all in my head. I hope to God one of them [accepts.] Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Tom Hardy. They could all be fantastic either as the hitman or the Corey character.
On the other hand, The Wolverine is scheduled to be released on July 26th, 2013 wishing for immediate start on production.
Bearing that in mind, The Red Circle project does still have a pulse—it's just waiting for the proper time.