In 1991, a young Jeff Buckley rehearses for his public singing debut at a Brooklyn tribute show for his father, the late folk singer Tim Buckley. Struggling with the legacy of a man he barely knew, Jeff forms a friendship with an enigmatic young woman (Imogen Poots) working at the show and begins to discover the powerful potential of his own musical voice. Greetings from Tim Buckley is filled with stirring musical performances and the memorable songs of a father and son who were each among the most beloved singer/songwriters of their respective generations. A presentation of Focus World, the alternative distribution label of Focus Features, and Tribeca Film.
A fact-based movie Greetings From Tim Buckley follows the path of musician Jeff Buckley played by Penn Badgley with Imogen Poots as an intriguing young woman who influences his life and career.
Dan Algrant-directed biopic drama premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival on September 9th, 2012 to generally positive reviews. We shared some images from the whole thing, as well as the first trailer.
New trailer gives a taste of the soundtrack along with Badgley and Poots impressive performances. Besides, Badgley doesn't look much like the late singer, but he delivers exactly what's needed for the character.
The film will be available on demand on April 16th and will hit limited theaters on May 3rd, 2013.
Hit the jump to check out the trailer and poster below.
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