‘Twilight’ Teaser Trailer
The movie tells the story of 17-year-old Bella Swan (Stewart) who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, and becomes drawn to Edward Cullen (Pattinson), a pale, mysterious classmate who seems determined to push her away. But neither can deny the attraction that pulls them together… even when Edward confides that he and his family are vampires. Their unorthodox romance puts her in physical danger when Edward's nemesis comes to town and sets his sights on Bella.
Full trailer for “Twilight” is set to premier in front of “Speed Racer” on May 9th and the movie is scheduled to hit theaters on December 12th.
holy crap i love love love this trailer!!! this movie is going to be amazing
OMG!!! I so can’t wait for the movie!! It’s going to be AmAzInG
I am showing this to everyone I can. I can even access this site at school so we keep watching again and again.
GO Twilight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWILIGHT KICKS BOOTY!!!!!!!!! i’m going to watch the trailer every single day unitl the movie actually comes out. 12-12-08 !!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!
I can hardly wait for the Breaking Dawn book, let alone for this!
OMG y cant the film be out now im driving friends and family crazy bout twilight, and all my friends are reading it YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! i keep watchin this trailer at school its so awesome!!!!!
I’d rather not see it…I really don’t like vampires…but how good is the book?