If you're trying to drum up some publicity for you, just look at posts like this on Vin Diesel's Facebook page. His latest status simply reads,
P.s. Marvel has requested a meeting… no idea what for… haha, you probably know better than me…
All jokes aside, you can post basically the same stuff on Facebook, but nothing will happen. First, you can't get such amount of Facebook ‘likes'.
This leads me to say that Diesel is probably buying Facebook' likes'…. haha, I'm totally kidding again, but I am not sure how I feel about this guy, neither I'm sure Marvel will appreciate him revealing such a thing.
Since it drives discussion and, therefore, buzz among serious film fans, so am I. There's not much to say right now, but I guess a few words did come out.
First of all, the post isn't removed yet, despite Marvel has always been a company that likes to keep things close to the vest.
Numerous questions arise such as is he in contention to play Thanos in future Marvel movies including The Avengers 2, or possibly something for Phase Three, or the studio may simply want to gauge Diesel's interest in appearing in a Marvel film down the line?
Would they give him a superhero role, or whether the character could be an antagonist, or would he be a part of a team?
I don't actually have an answer for you, except to say that his Riddick's third installment hits theaters on September 6th, 2013 and that Diesel will likely also begin production later this year on Fast & Furious 7.
How about you?