12 YEARS A SLAVE Adds Michael Kenneth Williams
Updated: Chris Chalk (Before the Devil Knows You're Dead) has signed on to Steve McQueen's Twelve Years; he will play Clemens Ray, a fellow kidnapped slave who is brought to the South with Ejiofor's Solomon Northup character.
Well, Michael K. Williams, the actor who has been recently cast as Russell Jones in Dirty White Boy, a biopic that will take a look at ODB, has also joined the cast of Twelve Years a Slave, director Steve McQueen‘s star-studded follow-up to this year's Shame.
Best know to audiences for his roles as Omar on The Wire and Chalky White on Boardwalk Empire, he has been pegged to star alongside Michael Fassbender, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Cumberbatch and Brad Pitt in the McQueen's third movie. Williams will play a mutinous slave in the New Regency adaptation of Solomon Northup's 1853 book; Paul Giamatti and Sarah Paulson also joining the cast in recent weeks.
Twelve years revolves around a free black man from the North who is drugged and sold into slavery. Django Unchained hits theaters this year, while twelve years a slave will most likely hit theaters at some point in 2013 and will most likely become a classic in the making.
As I mentioned, the 45-year-old actor will, firstly, be appearing as Wu-Tang Clan rapper Ol' Dirty Bastard in the upcoming biopic.
As for now watch the first trailer of McQueen's Shame, with Fassbender and Carey Mulligan.
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