The highly anticipated film “Megalopolis,” directed by the legendary Francis Ford Coppola, is set to hit theaters in just four weeks. However, what should be a triumphant return for Coppola has instead been overshadowed by a marketing blunder that has both fans and critics buzzing. The controversy centers around the film's trailer, which featured glowing critic quotes that, as it turns out, were entirely fabricated by AI.
Eddie Egan, the marketing consultant behind the trailer, has been fired after it was revealed that the quotes praising Coppola's latest work were not from real critics but were instead generated by artificial intelligence. It's a perplexing decision, especially considering Egan's long-standing relationship with Lionsgate and his 20-year collaboration with Adam Fogelson, the chair of Lionsgate's film group. The studio quickly pulled the trailer after online detectives noticed the discrepancies, but the damage had already been done.
The use of AI in this context raises important questions about the reliability and ethics of such technology in the film industry. AI may offer convenience, but it also introduces risks, as seen in this incident. Relying on AI for something as critical as generating reviews — which can influence public perception — is a gamble, and unfortunately for Egan, it didn't pay off.
“Megalopolis” is a film with a lot riding on it, not least because Coppola is financing much of it himself. The marketing for the film has been surprisingly subdued, making this AI-generated controversy all the more unfortunate. On the bright side, the debacle has brought the film some much-needed attention, though not necessarily of the positive kind.
As we approach the release date, it remains to be seen how Lionsgate will handle the situation and whether a new trailer will be released. For now, “Megalopolis” has captured the public's interest, albeit for all the wrong reasons. The film, starring an impressive ensemble cast including Adam Driver, Forest Whitaker, and Nathalie Emmanuel, promises to be an epic return to form for Coppola. Let's hope that the final product, set to release on September 27, 2024, lives up to the director's storied legacy.