We have very interesting information today:
Angelina Jolie might portray Queen of the Nile,
Cleopatra in a future film.
Scott Rudin has bought the rights to
Stacy Schiff‘s book
Cleopatra: A Life, and is working on the adaptation of historical biography.
Oscar winning producer Rudin wants Jolie to star in it and also confirmed that the adaptation is “being developed for and with Jolie.”
Schiff, the author of the biography gave the idea her blessing.
“Physically, she's the perfect look.” she said.
The role of Cleopatra has most famously been played by
Elizabeth Taylor in the 1963 movie of the same name.
Beyond this, we have no other information about new Cleopatra project.
Here's the
synopsis of Stacy Schiff's book Cleopatra: A Life:
Her palace shimmered with onyx and gold, but was richer still in political and sexual intrigue. Above all else, Cleopatra was a shrewd strategist and an ingenious negotiator. Though her life spanned fewer than forty years, it reshaped the contours of the ancient world.
She was married twice, each time to a brother. She waged a brutal civil war against the first when both were teenagers. She poisoned the second. Ultimately she dispensed with an ambitious sister as well; incest and assassination were family specialties. Cleopatra appears to have had sex with only two men. They happen, however, to have been Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, two of the most prominent Romans of the day.
Both were married to other women. Cleopatra had a son with Caesar and–after his murder–three more with his protégé. Already she was the wealthiest ruler in the Mediterranean; the relationship with Antony confirmed her status as the most influential woman of the age. The two would together attempt to forge a new empire, in an alliance that spelled their ends. Cleopatra has lodged herself in our imaginations ever since.
Angelina is without a doubt very beautiful, but, like always, it seems as if financial gain has trumped historical accuracy. But then again no one should ever depend on Hollywood for anything remotely academic.
$$$$ talks
You are forgetting one small detail. CLEOPATRA WAS BLACK.
Cleopatra was not black. She was descended from Greeks.
sarra, go read a history book instead of black magazines. cleo was NOT BLACK
….shes wasnt black at all she was acually greek….
who is goin to play antony? def not brad…
No if she was half African half Geek like you all claim she would be considered a black person like your president in the states.
It is amazing how a woman who was powerful and had Roman emperors at her feet…couldn’t possibly be Black.
Just like Egypt is considered middle east (and we also know when Napoleon went to Egypt he blew the nose off the Sphinx so no one would be the wiser that the Sphinx was crafted in the image of an Egyptian/African)…we know it is in Africa and Cleopatra was very much African…albeit even if there is a little Greek in the US….don’t care what other is included….she is and was and will remain who she was ….a Black Woman!
I wonder why they say her mother was unknown? hmm possibly killed her off to dismiss thr truth eh. she could of been born in ethiopia! their is so much corruption in these archives. i dont trust none of it. alterting the verbs to gain power seen over and over again.
I agree with choosing an alternate actor to fullfil the role of Cleopatra other than jolie. i like jolie, but not for this film. Cleopatra who indeed was an afro-greek meaning darker olive skin. the same thing with jesus christ being darker. This is called high tech lynching my peoples. anyone of colour especially black people is targeted by the unseen forces in our media, government and many more sources to degrade us. you can turn on your tv everyday and see it all day long on tv, newspapers, etc. What do you see on tv and media when it comes to blacks? getting arrested running from the law, gossip drama reality shows, foul moufing shows, the debacle chad ochocinco show, man i could go on and on. and to make it worse they even telling people on history channel that god doesnt even exist! man satan is busy!President Obama is going through this very same thing right now. most government officials dont want him in their to begin with so they counter his positive movements through tactical stratgies. The only thing i see positive so far is i see more tv commercials and media news being roled by blacks pre obama. which is great, other than that we gotta lot of work to do with ourselves and our foes. lets make more shows about black people doing civilized advancements in life and less on degrading our images.
Anyhow let de people dem mash up de cleopatra film. what we should do is counter it by making the true version of cleopatra, but dont make the same mistakes like these lost people. give credit when its earned and due meaning do the right thing. Im gonna leave you with this. alright I consider myself afro-jamerican. between all my parents and their parents. our genes are in common with chinese (hakas), seminole indian, british caucasian, and west african. my son is japanese-jamaican and when we go out into the public and people look at my son and me. they ask is that your son? some of dem kyaan beleive it. because they have been programmed mentally to think all black people are the same. we are the same but at the same time we are different. we are everywhere around the globe, australia, asia, north-south america, caribbean! in all different skin flavours.
dont get to upset about this cleopatra debacle. counter it like you would do in business to sell your prouduct.
i would go see it!
she was greek not black…she and her family might have been darker only because their family had lived there for 300 years after the death of alexander the great so, her ass wasnt BLACK, she was tan
Greek is not a race, it a nationality. Being black is simply a combination of a darker skin color and a stronger texture of one’s hair. Go and look at the early Eqyptian pictures on the wall and you’ll see the most of the advanced individuals in that REGION was darker skin toned making them: BLACK. Stop reiterating the WHITE MAN’S FABRICATION, which intends to PAINT all black people as CRIMINALS, and REPLACE all of the great black historical figures with WHITE faces. PLEASE READ!!!
There are even some sources that say that Cleopatra had blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes
thats an odvious lie
Ok, this is ridiculous. Cleopatra’s family was from Greece, yes, but they were living- marrying- and having children in Egypt for 300+ years. Hate to break it to you but not only are Greek’s not white, Cleopatra certainly wasn’t white either. Not to mention that Jolie is much too old to be playing Cleo- who was 18 when she came into power and 39 when she died…
Every time you see a painting on one of the Egyptian walls, how often are they of white people? Hate to break it to you guys, but Cleo wasn’t white.
Very true. Though half her line is at least Greek, her family was living in Egypt where often people had children with the Africans, also was diverse there just like the roman empire, very diverse. They found Cleopatra’s sister’s bones she’s at least half African. There is NOT a guarantee that Cleopatra is full Greek no way but also not a guarantee on the rest of her background. By the way there’s one human race scientifically, that’s why all can have children.. Only different cultures. People have settled and conquered over and over these countries since, yet people will still stereotype what someone looks like from a country yet everyone is Very diverse. People like to live and see with narrow minds. Also the coin looks this way with her face because it’s to Prove she can rule. It served as a very important propaganda piece then. Yes she was petite we know. Why people are Ultra defensive of her appearance, it’s not normal. Who cares really. Beauty was a lot more naturally judged then, also her sweet sounding voice, her charm, all this went into it. Definitely she had Appeal.
Oh and by the way, the sources who say Cleopatra was blonde and blue eyed are severely misinformed and probably the same people who think Jesus was white. Dare I say even prejudiced.
People like those give white people a worse name then we already have. Listen, Black people come in varying shades. And 300+ years… she was more Egyptian than she was Greek.
This is insane, how is she “perfect” for it? I don’t care if cleopatra was black or brown or had a pointy noize, cleopatra was def not white … wtf… egypt ain’t bordering freaking germany, why is hollywood hellbent on whitening everything in history? They got white mumies and white cleopatra running around in africa!?! wtf!!
I would love to see east coast actress Janet Miranda play this role. I have seen in her in several plays and some independant films. She is absolutely stunning to look at and her acting is very in the moment and very alive. She is one of the sexiest women alive and it owuld be interesting to see her with black hair. She looks a little like Jolie, but more fleshy and with super curves. I vote for Janet Miranda to play Cleopatra.
Cleopatra VII was a Macedonian Greek. She was definitely not black.
cleo patra was not black she certainly didnt look like angelina either she wasnt white she was certainly brown skinned..and she was egyptian we egyptians are a rare and forgotten race
Angie Jolie is all wrong for this role. Firstly, she hasn’t any of the famed historical charisma, charm, humour or intelligence of the real Cleopatra. Neither had Elizabeth Taylor. A tough role to assign. Unfortunately, Jolie always has a cartoonish quality to her characters. She was awful in Alexandre. She sounded like the Natasha of Boris and Natasha. The character of Cleopatra is highly complex. Besides… Angie is too old for the role, too big too. Cleo was very petite. Angie is huge by comparison. Perhaps they should look to a Greek actress. I can’t think of anyone who can pull off that roll. There just is no other Cleopatra on the planet.
Angelina is a beautiful talented actress but she is the exact OPPOSITE of perfect in this role. Let me preface this by saying I am a huge fan of hers and this is not oersonal at all. I read the comments below and there seems to be some debate about Cleopatras ethnicity. I have studied anthropology history and egyptology extensively.. let me put to rest. Cleopatra was of mixed heritage. Greek and Egyptian. She was brown skinned. She has been described as darker and portrayed in Egyptian art as darker like most Egyptians. Just as we now a days Photoshop models etc to look lighter European artists portrayed her lighter and more Caucasian as was their beauty ideal. This has led people to believe she was white and only Greek. Her family had lived in Egypt for over 300 years marrying Egyptians etc. So if anything she was only a touch Greek. Its 2012 people! Can we at least have for once someone who looks even SLIGHTLY Egyptian playing the who is possibly THE most famous Egyptian. Culturally this is kind of sad. In this day and age. And Angelina has a black daughter. What kind of example does this set for her? What subconcious message does it send?There are other issues as well. Angelina is a bit too old. Cleopatra came to power as a teenager and died at age 38-39. Thats not bothering so much as Angelinas personality is more serious nonchalant aggressive. Cleopatra is described as having a sweetly girlish voice, a warm charming demeanor, an intoxicating sense of humor. She was a seductress truly. Not a warrior not an action heroine. Angelina would be perfect as some ass kicking Amazonian warrior queen. Unfortunately Cleopatra was not that. She used cunning charm and sex appeal. She used her mind her intellect not her fists. This movie will be a joke. An amped up girl power version of one of the most fascinating and mysterious women of all time. Please don’t do it Hollywood!
Cleopatra wasn’t ‘black’. Stop grouping everyone from Africa under that label. Cleopatra was Egyptian.
Angelina jolie is very wrong for this role. Yeah, shes beautiful and a decent actress but would basically ruin cleopatra. Honestly, a better choice would be Zoe Saldana or thandie newton. Both would be better in consideration of looks and age.
Agreed. Jolie’s skin is not brown enough and her look not ehtnic enough to do the role historical justice.