Ok, I have to write something about
Anne Hathaway and her fresh Catwoman look in the upcoming
Christopher Nolan‘s
The Dark Knight Rises.
On one side I have
Snoop Dogg and his ‘OMG you're so sexy' (on repeat right now), and on the other side I have Hathaway's first official photo from the above mentioned movie. O, man! What an irony! I can't Snoop, I just can't say OMG for this photo! Actually, I can – OMG this is so wrong!
And it's not all about that boring costume. It's just that I have this problem when it comes to Anne Hathaway and her involvement in The Dark Knight Rises. It's like – cute girl, wrong place, go back to that Oscar night and stay there for good!
And what bothers me most is that we still have no idea on Hathaway's status up there. Is she Catwoman, Selina Kyle, or some BDSM woman with funny glasses? And maybe I don't even care anymore…
However, it's all about Anne Hathaway now. Look, she rides that cool bike, she looks hot, she looks great. No, she doesn't! Deal with it Anne, and don't give me this “If you didn't like the photo, you only see about a 10th of what that suit can do” – reply. Because that's exactly what she had to say in an interview with MTV (watch it below).
You know, guys, I had a shitty childhood and I'm scared now. I mean, we only saw about a 10th of what Hathaway's suit can do. So, what if that suit actually talks, or, even worse, what if that suit eats the entire cast?
O man, if I was The Dark Knight and had to deal with a Catwoman that looks like Anne Hathaway, she would have to forget about that ‘Rise' part with me. Sorry woman, I had tough day at work, or something like that…
The suit looks cheap and is NOT Nolan quality. She should be embarrased to be seen in such a Joel Schumacher-age lame ass suit.
Fiona, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Here’s mine: you are nowhere near as funny as you seem to think you are.
Also: Anne Hathaway is hot as hell. However, yes, these photos of her as Catwoman look kinda goofy. I don’t really care, though; Christopher Nolan has more than earned my trust by now, and I honestly don’t give much of a crap what his characters are wearing.
I found your article hilarious and loved it, but didn’t think her suit was that big of a deal, I mean, it could definitely be more figurehugging (not a fan of saggy fabric) but it’s not going to affect the overall film THAT much! And I think the film will allow Anne Hathaway to diversify herself so I’m giving her a chance.
FIONA….. Get over yourself! I certainly don’t see you dashing out of a building in a cat suit stealing the Bat-pod. UGH!!! I think Anne Hathaway will definitely pull it off in the end. She is right, if you truly believe that all of what’s to come from her role in the 1 or 2 photos…You’re an idiot! Nolan is good at his secret keepings and I’m sure we’ll all be quit surprised.