The film tells the story of an ex-Marine, thrust unwillingly into an effort to settle and exploit an exotic planet rich in bio-diversity, who eventually crosses over to lead the indigenous race in a battle for survival.
Avatar, stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, Giovanni Ribisi, Joel David Moore, CCH Pounder, Peter Mensah, Laz Alonso, Wes Studi, Stephen Lang and Matt Gerald, will be released nationwide on December 18th 2009.
I wish Fox studios would, for once, open their mouths and actually tell us WHEN the trailer will be released instead of just shooting down rumor after rumor after rumor. If they gave a date, I could mark it down on my calender, and wait with great anticipation. But no, week after week we just get simple teasers. GIVE US A TRAILER!!!!!
so nice….the movie’ so amusing…
we love it………..
so nice…we all love it… hope there will be more movies like this……..
this movie rocks i holp there is a #2
This rocks there probably will be