Samantha, a teenager who hears voices, answers the call of Jurgen, a rogue vampire who was “made” during the waning days of the Third Reich and who has just awakened after 75 years.
Despite the warnings of her friend and advisor, Father Raymond, she develops a romantic attraction to Jurgen and is drawn into his conflict with Luke and Enid, powerful vampires from the old world. The ensuing life-and-death struggle is played out through a musical endeavor on the streets of Los Angeles.
Written and directed by
Mary Lambert.
Episode 1:
The Dark Path Chronicles: Episode 2
The Dark Path Chronicles: Episode 3
The Dark Path Chronicles: Episode 4
The Dark Path Chronicles: Episode 5
The Dark Path Chronicles: Episode 6
The Dark Path Chronicles: Episode 7
why wont you tell us how many there are and were can i find all them
Below the first episode you can see links to all seven episodes
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