As She Climbed Across the Table, maybe this title doesn't sound familiar, but now, when we have a rumor that
David Cronenberg is attached to direct a film based on this 1997 novel by
Jonathan Lethem, we have no doubt you're going to remember it!
As usual (with Cronenberg's name involved in some project) this is not going to be some easy story. As the matter of fact here's a pretty weird plot that we managed to get:
“Particle physics, false vacuum bubbles, an alternate universe-this is the stuff of Jonathan Lethem's novel As She Climbed Across the Table. The tale echoes Alice in Wonderland in its mad tumble through a rearranged reality.
Narrator Phillip Engstrand is a university professor who has made a career out of studying academic environments. Engstrand is in love with Alice Coombs, a particle physicist engaged in a bold attempt to replicate the origins of the universe. The result of the experiment is Lack, a very selective black hole that sucks some things into its void-a cat, a pair of socks, a strawberry-and rejects others, namely, a love-struck Alice.
As Alice's unrequited obsession with Lack grows, Phillip becomes so desperate to save his beloved from this empty rival that he risks a journey down the metaphysical rabbit hole.”
Well, we still have no idea if this project is director's priority, because we all know he's very busy man nowadays.
He's filming
A Dangerous Method, movie we already wrote about, based on Christopher Hampton's play
The Talking Cure, and he may also shoot an adaptation of Don DeLilo's novel
Cosmopolis with
Marion Cotillard and
Colin Farrell. Not to mention rumors of an
Eastern Promises sequel with
Viggo Mortensen!
There's no word yet on when Cronenberg plans to start on the film, or whether any of his other announced projects will come first, but we heard that Steve Zaillian will be in charge for producing the whole thing.
So, it (kind of) seems like something that could be the priority after all…We're definitely expecting more details about this one. Stay with us.