Dominik Cooper as Howard Stark in Captain America
English actor Dominic Cooper has revealed that he will be playing a young Howard Stark in the upcoming Joe Johnston‘s project The First Avenger: Captain America.
So, this means that Cooper will actually be the third Howard Stark in the Marvel movie universe. And this time, Captain America's film is set in the 1940s.
So, let's all remind some details about this project. Iron Man director Jon Favreau confirmed that Howard Stark will be in Captain America, saying:
“Yeah, because he was around then. Captain America takes place during World War II. Howard Stark was starting out during that time, and he was involved with the war effort, much like Howard Hughes.”
And, of course, we already know that John Slattery plays Tony Stark's father – Howard Stark in Iron Man 2, but from this interview, it's clear that this character will have bigger part in Captain America, where we'll see how Stark Expo was founded.
So the main question at one moment was – who will play the young Howard Stark? And today we had a chance to hear that above mentioned Dominic Cooper, The Duchess and An Education star will have that honor.
He revealed the news during an interview for his new movie Tamara Drewe.
At the end, let's just repeat that Captain America: The First Avenger will hit theaters on July 22, 2011. Hope you're satisfied with this casting news, make sure you stay tuned!
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