Milo follows Duncan (played by Marino), an incredibly stressed man who is plagued with vicious stomach troubles. We're told that Duncan actually has a demon living inside his intestines, a demon who wreaks havoc internally until Duncan, during a therapy session, gives it permission to come out. Highsmith, Duncan's shrink, explains that the demon is the personification of his anxiety. He's advised to embrace his inner demon and thus names it Milo…Mark and Jay Duplass-produced flick is set to start shooting in Los Angeles this month. Along with ‘Community,' which is coming back this fall, Jacobs can also be seen in the Steve Carell comedy The Incredible Burt Wonderstone. Source: Heat Vision
Gillian Jacobs Attached to Horror Comedy MILO
One of the ‘Community' hit show stars Gillian Jacobs is moving from the small screen to the big screen and is starring in a new horror comedy called Milo.
Mark and Jay Duplass-produced horror comedy about a demon that emerges from someone's stomach, which already stars funnyman Ken Marino (Wanderlust) and Peter Stormare (Hansel and Gretel).
The actress will play Marino's wife in the film, and is one of the reasons behind his trauma. Stormare will play the stressed man's shrink. Judy Greer (Carrie) will also be starring in Milo. Jacob Vaughan who co-wrote the script with Benjamin Hayes is making his directorial debut on the dark comedy.
Here's a brief summary for Milo:
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