Green Lantern Corps Concept Art: Kilowog, Abin Sur, Tomar-Re
Matt McGloin at has confirmed that the below pictures are official concept art from the upcoming DC feature film “Green Lantern.”
We get to see Abin Sur, Tomar-Re and Kilowog, the members of the Green Lantern Corps.
The Green Lantern Corps:
The Guardians of the Universe created the Green Lantern Corps around 3 billion years ago and since then they have essentially become the galaxy's police force. The Guardians realized their failure with the Manhunters was due to their creation's single-mindedness, lack of emotion (such as fear and courage), and most importantly the absence of morality and honor in the androids. The Guardians chose to assign sentient beings that excelled in fearlessness and morality. These beings would then watch over their sector of the galaxy. The sector that includes Earth is Sector 2814. The mission of the Green Lantern Corps is to protect the galaxy from interstellar threats of all kinds, from individual planets' problems to forces threatening entire systems.
Abin Sur:
Before Abin Sur became a Green Lantern, he was a history teacher on the planet Ungara. His ring was passed to him by the Green Lantern Starkoar sometime around the earth year 1860. As protector of Space Sector 2814, Abin Sur traveled to Earth several times in his lifetime, including visiting the American old West, where he met an ancestor of Hal Jordan. Abin Sur was a widely respected Lantern amongst the Corps and was a close friend and ally to Tomar-Re and to Sinestro, the Green Lantern of Sector 1417.
Tomar was a scientist on the planet Xudar before joining the Green Lantern Corps. He became a pivotal member of the Corps, training new members, like Arisia, and serving in the Honor Guard. He investigated reports of abuses of power by Sinestro on Korugar. He was close friends with Abin Sur, Green Lantern of neighboring sector 2814. He was also the first Lantern to meet Sur's replacement, Hal Jordan, and the two got along equally well.
A towering alien with a brutish and porcine appearance, Kilowog is renowned throughout the Green Lantern Corps as the primary trainer of the Corps' newest recruits. The Guardians of the Universe recruited Kilowog, a gifted genetic scientist, from the planet Bolovax Vik, located in Space Sector 674. Kilowog was trained by Lantern Ermey, who would often use the word “Poozer”, which meant “useless rookies” (A word Kilowog would later adopt, albeit in a friendlier way). In the middle of a particularly arduous training regiment, Ermey had Kilowog and his fellow rookies help stop an attack on a group of Lanterns, one of whom was the future renegade Sinestro. Ermey, fatally wounded in battle, commended Kilowog on his abilities, telling him that he had the makings of a great leader. In addition to serving with distinction as the Green Lantern of that sector, Kilowog also began to spend extensive periods of time on the Green Lantern Corps' home planet of Oa instructing new recruits on how to handle and best utilize their power rings. In this capacity, Kilowog acted as the first trainer to a young Hal Jordan, the ring-recruited successor to the slain Abin Sur of Ungara, the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814.
[source: ComicVine]
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Kilowog, Green Lantern
Abin Sur, Tomar-Re, Green Lantern
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