According to Aint it Cool News, Robert Downey Jnr will be making an appearance in “The Incredible
Hulk”. It's, of course, all part of a plan to tie the new “Hulk” and “
Iron Man” movies together.
Downey Jr's Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) will reportedly feature in a scene opposite “Hulk” villain ‘Thunderbolt' Ross (William Hurt).
A few days back, “Iron Man” director Jon Favreau mentioned that he'd love a shot at directing an “Avengers” movie – Marvel's answer to “Justice League” where all the superheroes, like Hulk, Captain America and Iron-Man, team up – and by all indications, Marvel's thinking the same way too. Aside from Iron Man making an appearance in “Hulk”, Nick Fury (Samuel L.Jackson) turns up in “Iron Man”!
Slowly, but surely, these franchises are being linked…. For a reason.
Sweet! I can’t wait till they become a team, I think that it will be a big hit for a long time. I know i’ll watch it more than once.
i thank the hulk movie took to long to get to all the acton.
so did the iron man movie.
dont get me wrong there bothe grate movies,and i love them.
but when making new ones dont take so long
because people what to see the action in thes kind of movies.
i think that the Hulk movie was really good and Iron Man was good and the movie with them together is going to be good