James Gunn, the creative force behind the upcoming DCU, is known for his close ties to the cast of the Marvel franchise, particularly Chris Pratt. Fans buzzed recently about the possibility of Pratt joining Gunn in the newly rebooted DC Universe. Their long-standing friendship and successful collaboration on the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy have set the stage for this intriguing speculation.
Gunn recently addressed the rumors head-on, affirming that he and Pratt frequently discuss potential roles, stating, “He's a close friend. We talk about that all the time.” This revelation not only reinforces their strong relationship but also leaves the door wide open for Pratt's involvement in future DC projects. Given Gunn's commitment to the DC brand, the question arises: what role could Pratt take on in this new cinematic landscape?
While Pratt remains firmly in the Marvel camp as Star-Lord, he expressed openness to a role in the DCU, saying, “There's always a chance… I just have to leave that to the fans and people like James to decide.” This uncertainty adds an exciting layer to the speculation as fans envision Pratt portraying characters like Booster Gold or even Adam Strange.
The DCU slate is still unfolding, with major films like Superman and Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow slated for release in 2025 and 2026, respectively. As Gunn shapes a new narrative landscape, bringing in familiar faces from Marvel could excite audiences and bridge fanbases.
As we wait for official announcements, one thing remains clear: the synergy between Gunn and Pratt could very well ignite a captivating new chapter in the ever-evolving superhero genre. Fans will undoubtedly be watching closely as this partnership unfolds, eager to see which DC character Pratt steps into next.