The world of television is about to experience a groundbreaking new series with Joe Wright's M. Son of the Century. Set to premiere at the 2024 Venice Film Festival, this highly anticipated show chronicles the chilling rise of Benito Mussolini, the infamous dictator who led Italy into fascism. With a blend of historical drama and innovative aesthetics, Wright has crafted a series that promises to be as visually striking as it is narratively compelling.
Based on Antonio Scurati's bestselling novel of the same name, M. Son of the Century offers a unique take on Mussolini's ascent to power. The series explores how a democracy can be manipulated and ultimately succumb to dictatorship, making it a timely reflection on the fragility of political systems. Wright, known for his work on films like Pride & Prejudice and Atonement, brings his signature style to this mini-series, blending '90s rave culture with the avant-garde aesthetics of the 1929 Ukrainian film Man with a Movie Camera.
Adding to the series' unique vibe is a techno soundtrack by Tom Rowlands, a member of The Chemical Brothers. This modern, pulsating score is expected to contrast sharply with the historical setting, creating an atmosphere that's both anachronistic and deeply engaging. Wright himself describes the score as a “mashup between '90s rave culture and every gangster movie you've ever seen,” which sets the tone for a series that's anything but conventional.
The cast features Luca Marinelli, known for his roles in The Eight Mountains and Martin Eden, as the titular “M” (Mussolini). He is joined by a talented ensemble, including Francesco Russo, Barbara Chichiarelli, Benedetta Cimatti, Lorenzo Zurzolo, Gaetano Bruno, and Paolo Pierobon. Filmed entirely at Rome's iconic Cinecittà Studios, the series boasts a rich production value, with a screenplay penned by Stefano Bises and Davide Serino.
M. Son of the Century is executive produced by a powerhouse team, including Valerio Bonelli, Simone Gattoni, Pablo Larraín, Paolo Sorrentino, Francesco Tatò, and Wright himself. While the series will stream on Sky TV in 2025, its premiere at the Venice Film Festival sets the stage for what could be one of the most talked-about series of the year.
Whether you're a history buff, a fan of Wright's previous works, or simply looking for something fresh and thought-provoking, M. Son of the Century is a must-watch. Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to be captivated by this daring exploration of Italy's dark past.