‘Jurassic Park IV’ Will be Released in 2009
After many rumors about the release of Jurassic Park IV there is one story about this movie that is true.
It has been confirmed that Jurassic Park IV will be released in 2009. Originally intended to be released this year it was put back due to the Writers Guild of America strike.
The story this time is a virus codenamed “DX”. This virus wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and was re-awakened when the JP scientists recreated the dinosaurs. However, this time it doesn’t want to just wipe out the dinosaurs, it wants to wipe us out as well. Threatening extinction onto the human race. Richard Attenborough returns as Richard Hammond and sends a team to the island to investigate this “DX” and yep you’ve guessed it…more dinosaur mayhem!
1 Comment
Plss inform when the movie will release jurassic park 4