First we met the parents in 2000. Next we met the Fockers in 2004. Now, it's time to meet the offspring of Greg and Pam with
Little Fockers.
Both the Burns and Fockers return for the threequel, along with others from the families' complicated pasts including Pam's ex-fiancé, Kevin (
Owen Wilson). The film is much of the same material we've seen before. Even after years of marriage and two 5-year-old twins, Greg (
Ben Stiller) is still looking for Jack's (
Robert De Niro) approval. Naturally, Jack rarely gives Greg the benefit of the doubt, resorting to using his skills as a CIA agent to stalk him and find out what exactly he's up to…read more [

Opening December 22, Little Fockers will hope to continue to milk audiences' fondness for the series, which has thus far grossed $847m worldwide. But considering that it has been six years since Meet The Fockers – and that the film will battle TRON: Legacy, Gulliver's Travels and Yogi Bear for family dollars – this latest instalment may ultimately find more breathing room in ancillaries.
Happily married with young twins, Greg (Stiller) and Pam (
Teri Polo) invite their parents to their Chicago home for their kids' fifth birthday party. Unfortunately, the visit only reignites Pam's hardnosed former CIA agent father Jack's (De Niro) belief that Greg isn't a good enough husband or father, especially when he begins to suspect that Greg is having an affair with a flirty pharmaceutical rep (
Jessica Alba)…read more [
What was so fresh and funny about “Meet the Parents,” with Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro at serious comic odds, has gone so foul in “Little Fockers” that it is incredibly tempting to resort to the implied off-color word play made possible by the Focker name and suggest that this third edition is totally — but I won't.
Instead I'll just leave it that the comedy's gone missing, the puns are tortured (to say nothing of the audience) and the movie's central question — whether or not Stiller's Greg Focker has the, ahem, chutzpah to be “the Godfocker” — is but one indication of how low this ship has sunk. The sheer pleasure of the first film in 2000, already dimming by the time we got to “Meet the Fockers” four years later, has officially gone kaput…read more [LA Times]

Jessica Alba in Little Fockers
Here we are back again in Focker-dom, that wonderful place of crushing comic awkwardness, painful slapstick and the no less excruciating specter of great actors slumming for paychecks. Surely, the world did not need Little Fockers, this second sequel to the somewhat overrated Meet the Parents, but like an obligatory stocking-stuffer it has arrived – to cash in for Christmas – and must be dealt with.
The gold star gang returns: Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Teri Polo, Blythe Danner, Owen Wilson, Barbra Streisand and
Dustin Hoffman apparently could not pass up the chance to remain tied to a series that's grossed over $800 million worldwide. Paul Weitz – director of solid dramedies About a Boy and In Good Company – takes the helm. And what all the talent brings is a tame, predictable comedy rife with the same tired elements that abounded in films one and two (Meet the Fockers)…read more [
It's a measure of how accepted this franchise has become that there are no more single-entendre jokes about the name “Focker”. It's become entirely accepted. This tired and tiring comedy resurrects characters who really are going through the motions. The idea this time is that having young kids is putting strain on this uniquely fraught extended family. Ben Stiller is back as Greg Focker, who has now been promoted from mere nurse to being head of nursing at a city hospital…read more [
Harvey Keitel in Little Fockers
Let's start with the title, which is just a place-holding lie. It's barely about the littlest Fockers at all, unless you count that that the biggest set piece in the film is their elaborate birthday party. But they had to call it something and The Focker Sequel Where Robert De Niro Takes Fake Viagra and Runs Around Spying on Ben Stiller Because Circumstantial Evidence Suggests He's Cheating on Teri Polo and Doing It with Jessica Alba was probably too much for people to remember. There's also a bit where Alba says to a hospital patient, “Relax your anus” and another part where a little Focker projectile vomits…read more [
Ten years ago, Robert De Niro strapped wannabe son-in-law Ben Stiller to a lie detector in Meet The Parents.
A decade on, Stiller gets his own back by inserting a hypodermic needle into the old man's member.
Go see Little Fockers and chances are you'll feel a prick, too.
A cynical attempt to extend a lucrative franchise beyond its natural life, this third helping of familial strife heaps humiliations aplenty on both Stiller's Gaylord Focker – now chief nurse at a Chicago hospital and dad of twins – and De Niro's Jack Byrnes, a former CIA operative now suffering heart problems…read more [
Total Film]

Barbra Streisand (Rozalin Focker) in Little Fockers
De Niro suffers most of the head-banging indignities in “Little Fockers.” The more he throws himself into the reaction shots and the mugging, the more you wonder if he's really having a good time with this desperate material. Jessica Alba plays a minxy drug rep who tempts Stiller's character, but all's well in the end, though the preview audience didn't laugh much, at least audibly — does pretend-laughing count? On second thought “all's well” doesn't apply to this sequel in any particular. Paul Weitz directed, in a style flatter and more obvious than films such as “About a Boy” (co-directed with his brother, Chris) and “In Good Company” would indicate…read more [
Chicago Tribune]
Wow. “Little Fockers” is just discouraging. I would imagine there is no one involved who feels genuinely good about the outcome. It's so dead, so calculated, so forced. It is a startlingly gross and dirty film considering it is ostensibly about the kids this time around, and it is a PG-13. Doesn't matter. They didn't make this for families at all. Or if they did, they made it for families who already hate each other and don't mind inflicting pain on one another in a movie theater.
Here's the moment where the film came close to just breaking my spirit: Robert De Niro and Harvey Keitel end up face to face at one point. Yes, that's right. Harvey Keitel is in this for about nine minutes, and it makes no sense why they hired him unless it was just so they could say they had put him face to face with De Niro. It's hardly a selling point. The two of them just stand there and look at each other like, “Hey, I get it… I'm here for the check, too… but you remember when this meant something?”…read more [
Little Fockers Posters
I'm not saying the legacy of Meet the Parents deserved the protection of cinematic landmark status. But it does seem like a shame that what was there to protect has been ground into an unrecognizable pulp and reshaped into a grotesque of its former self. Who knows what kind of reputation the 2000 hit might have developed had well enough been left alone: A clever, well-cast execution of an old setup, it might have stood as a charming keeper, an example of that rare comedy that records a couple of memorable notes on the social anxieties of its time…read more [
Movie Line]

Little Fockers Poster
Little Fockers Info
Running time: 98 minutes
Rated: PG-13
Cast: Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Owen Wilson, Blythe Danner, Teri Polo, Jessica Alba, Laura Dern, Harvey Keitel, Dustin Hoffman, Barbra Streisand
Director: Paul Weitz
Genre: Comedy
Studio: Universal Studios
Official Movie Web Site: http://www.littlefockers.net
Opens: Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010.
Little Fockers Video Review