“Max Payne” directed by John Moore is scheduled to hit theaters on October 17th.
According to these TV spots, director John Moore was able to fight off the MPAA to end up with a PG-13 rating like he wanted.
John Moore on set with Mark Wahlberg
In a new interview with GameDaily and 1up he gives the following message regarding the film finally getting the required PG-13 rating:I must say, and that's what's a little bewildering about this, I didn't have to change much. We trimmed some frames more for the sake of trimming frames than anything, but we got the rating without any major changes at all. I'm a little surprised that we changed their minds, effectively, but I'm happy about it. It proves that if you stick to your guns and you have the creative, and dare I say moral sense, that you're in the right, that you can get the right thing done.