Take a look at these three new character posters for the upcoming animated movie “Monsters vs Aliens” featuring a look at the jellylike B.O.B. voiced by Seth Rogen, Susan Murphy aka Ginormica voiced by Reese Witherspoon and the half-ape, half-fish – The Missing Link (Will Arnett).
Susan Murphy, whose life changes as she becomes a gigantic woman after being hit by a meteor. The film also includes Hugh Laurie (Dr. Cockroach, PhD), Kiefer Sutherland (Gen. W.R. Monger), Stephen Colbert (the president), and finally, Rainn Wilson (the evil alien Gallaxhar). “Monsters vs. Aliens,” directed by Rob Letterman and Conrad Vernon, is scheduled to hit conventional and 3-D IMAX theaters on March 27th, 2009.
yo BoB is the funniest I think he should go on AFV the other contestants will not stand a chance! he’d win 10,000 and 100,000
Ginormica/Susan looks different then from the movie!!!!!!!!