The beloved Looney Tunes franchise is set to return with a brand-new animated feature film titled “The Day the Earth Blew Up.” This highly anticipated movie will make its world premiere at the renowned Annecy International Animation Film Festival. The film, directed by Pete Browngardt and produced by Sam Register, promises to bring the iconic characters back to the big screen with a fresh and exciting storyline.
“The Day the Earth Blew Up” features a voice cast led by the talented Eric Bauza, who brings to life several classic characters including Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. The plot follows the zany adventures of Porky Pig and Daffy Duck as they team up to save the Earth from an impending alien invasion. With its signature humor and slapstick comedy, the film aims to capture the essence of the original Looney Tunes series while introducing it to a new generation of fans.
The Annecy International Animation Film Festival, known for showcasing some of the best in animation from around the world, will serve as the perfect venue for the film's debut. This premiere marks an important milestone for Warner Bros. Animation, highlighting their ongoing commitment to reviving classic properties with contemporary appeal.
Scheduled for its world premiere at Annecy on June 11, 2024, “The Day the Earth Blew Up” is expected to delight audiences with its vibrant animation and nostalgic charm.
Are you excited to see the Looney Tunes characters return to the big screen? What are your favorite memories of Bugs Bunny and the gang?