The highly anticipated animated film The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, directed by Kenji Kamiyama, is set to bring back Saruman, voiced by the legendary Christopher Lee. Despite his passing in 2015, Lee's voice will be reprised for the movie, allowing fans to experience the White Wizard's presence once more. This return was made possible after producer Philippa Boyens secured permission from Lee's widow, Gitte.
The storyline, set two centuries before the iconic The Lord of the Rings films, delves into the tale of Helm Hammerhand, a legendary King of Rohan portrayed by Succession‘s Brian Cox. Facing a fierce conflict with the Dunlending leader Wulf (Luke Pasqualino), Helm's struggle promises to add a new dimension to the already rich lore of Middle-earth. Boyens shared how they sourced Lee's voice, using recordings from his past performances to recreate his unique portrayal of Saruman.
“When we reached out to Gitte, Lady Lee, who's sadly no longer with us… she said the thing that I think Peter [Jackson] felt in his heart, which was that Sir Christopher would have wanted this,” Boyens explained. She emphasized that while many actors could emulate Lee, none could capture the authenticity his voice brings to the character. The production team ultimately used a line from The Hobbit, which they modified for the film.
Although it remains unclear how large a role Saruman will play in The War of the Rohirrim, Boyens hints that his cameo will resonate deeply with fans of the original trilogy. The film will hit theaters on December 13, 2024, and it's set to be a nostalgic experience for fans, complete with the magic of Lee's iconic voice.
The decision to bring back Christopher Lee's Saruman feels like a fitting tribute, adding a special authenticity to this prequel. While some may question the use of his archived voice, Boyens' meticulous approach and respect for Lee's legacy make this a tasteful homage. The effort to capture his voice highlights the dedication to preserving the world Tolkien created, making The War of the Rohirrim not only a continuation but a celebration of the original films.
What are your thoughts on bringing back classic characters using archived voices? Is it a respectful homage or does it detract from new storytelling?