Royal Abbott, played by Josh Brolin, believes that the pit could help mend his fractured family, as he unravels the true identity of Autumn (Imogen Poots) through the pit in the season one finale. The upcoming season two trailer suggests that the Abbotts' pursuit of Amy (Olive Abercrombie), who went missing in the season finale, will lead to significant changes in Royal and Autumn's bond.
Outer Range season two promises payoffs, heightened time-traveling twists, and liberated character journeys. The series, which initially launched in 2022, follows Royal Abbott, a rancher fighting for his land and family, who discovers an unfathomable phenomenon at the edge of Wyoming's wilderness. The mystery surrounding the enigmatic void on the west pasture of the Abbott Family ranch deepens in Season Two, as Royal and his wife Cecelia (Taylor) struggle to keep their family together in the aftermath of their granddaughter's sudden disappearance.
The stakes have never been higher for the Abbotts, who now face threats on multiple fronts. With one episode directed by Brolin himself, the second season of Outer Range is set to launch streaming on Prime Video in May 2024.
What do you think the mysterious pit holds for the Abbott family in Outer Range season two? How do you think the time-traveling twists will unfold in the new season? Share your thoughts and theories in the comments below!