The film follows three seemingly anonymous high school seniors as they attempt to finally make a name for themselves. Their idea is innocent enough: let's throw a party that no one will forget… but nothing could prepare them for this party. Word spreads quickly as dreams are ruined, records are blemished and legends are born. “Project X” is a warning to parents and police everywhere.Nima Nourizadeh makes his feature film debut directing a cast of newcomers who scored parts through a nationwide talent. Project X is produced by Todd Phillips (The Hangover) and opens in U.S. March 2nd, 2012. Clip: [jwplayer mediaid=”91111″] TV Spot #1 [jwplayer mediaid=”91112″] TV Spot #2 [jwplayer mediaid=”91113″] TV Spot #3 [jwplayer mediaid=”91114″] TV Spot #4 [jwplayer mediaid=”91115″] TV Spot #5 [jwplayer mediaid=”91116″] TV Spot #6 [jwplayer mediaid=”91117″] TV Spot #7 [jwplayer mediaid=”91118″] TV Spot #8 [jwplayer mediaid=”91119″] TV Spot #9 [jwplayer mediaid=”91120″]
PROJECT X Clip and 9 TV Spots
A new clip and nine TV spots have debuted for Project X, the $12 million budget, hard R-rated comedy.
Take the parties from Road Trip, American Pie and Old School, put them together and add a flamethrower, and you've scratched the surface of the kegger that goes down in the film. A group of nerds who put on a party to gain a bit of notoriety end up hosting a “small” get-together that, in there own words, is game-changing.
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