Renowned director Robert Zemeckis, known for cinematic classics like Forrest Gump and Back to the Future, is set to debut his latest film, Here, at the AFI Film Festival on October 25. This world premiere, part of the festival's Centerpiece selection, has generated significant buzz in the industry, and for good reason.
Here marks a daring departure from conventional filmmaking, employing a single point of view (POV) technique across a narrative that spans centuries. Shot without movement or zooms, the film immerses viewers in the events of a single room and its various inhabitants over time. This bold approach not only showcases Zemeckis' innovative use of technology but also challenges the audience to engage with the story in a completely new way.
Reuniting Zemeckis with Tom Hanks and screenwriter Eric Roth, who last collaborated on Forrest Gump, Here is based on Richard McGuire's acclaimed graphic novel. The 104-minute film, which tested exceptionally well last year, will be released theatrically by Sony on November 1, strategically positioned for awards season.
Given Zemeckis' track record and the film's unique narrative style, Here is poised to be a standout during this year's cinematic lineup. Fans of Zemeckis and Hanks will undoubtedly be eager to see how this ambitious project unfolds, potentially marking another milestone in both their storied careers. With its innovative storytelling and star-studded collaboration, Here promises to be a film that will captivate audiences and critics alike.